thT mA pIc lA

thT mA pIc lA

Jumaat, 6 Mei 2011

no time stil laugh,whn i hear my exam in ths year (pmr) is on tha way...i can't belive tht...hahhaaa...come' tme 4 stady.... my mmber say LOV STARDY B4 YU LOV SOMBODY....HHAHA...tht noty mecj...
hummm..stiap ptang ad tution..penat nyer....tido pn ta smpai 5 jam...d'sebb tution nyer psl...haiduhs!! nasb2....wkaka....

Ahad, 24 April 2011

im so hapy today..' so hapy today.i dont know why...haha,,,,i jus wanna laugh evry mnte,ever scond,evry our of a day iyiyi..hax3...ary ni th sape la baik sngt,..tlong topup an axu.tQ ye...axu ta tawu plk ad org ya sudi topup an axu.ha3...tomorow scol...XOXO...i ned take my rest bye,n gud nite..have ur swet dreamm,but not to swet..bcoz the ant can eat yu.hax3...XOXO..

im so hapy today..' so hapy today.i dont know why...haha,,,,i jus wanna laugh evry mnte,ever scond,evry our of a day iyiyi..hax3...ary ni th sape la baik sngt,..tlong topup an axu.tQ ye...axu ta tawu plk ad org ya sudi topup an axu.ha3...tomorow scol...XOXO...i ned take my rest bye,n gud nite..have ur swet dreamm,but not to swet..bcoz the ant can eat yu.hax3...XOXO..

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

my lttle sis and bro brthdy

i dont konw to day is my sis and bro brthday!! im very hapy..hahaahhaa...
I was so thrilled to be able to celebrate together with family members forgot to say .... buy a gift .. haha .. sory miera,adam.sebab sister forgot to buy gifts .. later brother shopping eatingBS .. ye .. baskt Robin .. :)

hahaaa.nex mont my famly was going to indonsia 4  a holiday and I had to stay alone in malaysia ni ...huaaaaaaaaaaaa busy all next month ... .. sedihnyerrrrr

Ahad, 10 April 2011

got the fever!!!

haish! this thing is I hate the most .. fever 3 .. how I can get fever isthis .. I hate the fever .. school tomorrow ..... subsided je lah ....

Sabtu, 9 April 2011

sekolaH maAAA!!!!!

hari kne skolh la pulx...humm....bncyner kalo ad skolh gnty2 nie....tpy d'sebab an bored dok umh,bter gi skolh,rmai kawn cikt..haha .. XD....humm...tdy kt skolh ckg combne an kels,.combne2 clas ni la ya axu pling ta ske.... kne msok kels lain,ta slese ar nx blaja ty...ckg nie....(cikgu asyikin ty kalo ad skolh gnty,ckg tapaya la na combne2 an clas2 ye...kteorng pom 3 bole stado(stady) sndri la ckg....!!! ye ckg ye.anx murd mu,mrayu kpada mu..muahaha..ckg2..
tdy kels axu kne combne degn clas 3 musytry,,humm..saba je la.kels blkng pn,kels jugx an..kteorng msok kels musy wk2 pagy je,leps reht msing2 chau kels sndri,sbb ta slese na ddok kt kels musy uw..ta slese sunggoh...harp mklom la ckg ye,budx2 3 nept nie sume2nyer kne dok dalm kels ya bersh,,dn ta bebau...(sory lau trase)..wkakkaa...

Selasa, 5 April 2011

hary ni dalm sjarh

wkakka..ary ni adalh ary ya pling giler bg ke patot axu begado degn drive bas yg sengl....bhahha...kalo rept balk grnty lawx stegh maty,kalo na tngok blk rse cam kuang ajr ar plk..ala..lgy pn drive uw la ya salh.axu surh bnty,bukn nyer na bnty pn,main trus je..bapx sakt aty axu....pas uw,ary ni betol2 ta slase kt skolh..ta tau nape!!humm...pening2....makn na pmr ni makin stres pale ad la..knape la pmr ni wujud....?? wt mcm mne ad nasb axu kne amik pmr taon ni..tnsion stegh maty,tpy ta maty lgy la..wkaka..wt lawx bodo ar plk axu mlm nie..humm..yey2..esx rabu.....bes lak ai,pontng koko..wkaka..ta snonh an...tpy 2 la axu ya sbena..bukn pontng kels pn.,jus pontng KOKO saje..wkaka..ckg jagn la marh ye..... smpi sni sje la ye...gud nite...